Bantam Brother by James Ramsden

Saturday 13 July, 2002

Bantam Brother Week One

Big Brother hysteria is hitting the country, and we've all got opinions on who should stay and who should go. Another Big Brother has a similar scenario. Geoffrey Richmond has to decide who should stay in the house and who should be evicted. Why doesn't he turn the BCAFC situation into a reality gameshow - (dodgy geordie accent - could get Beags to do this) 1 club, 9 players, who stays - you decide.


The contestants arrive, Ashley, Benito, Andy, Peter, Juanjo, Jamie, Eoin, Gunnar and Claus. There is an instant separation between those who speak English and those who don't. Andy Tod doesn't consider himself to fit in either group, so moves in with the chickens.


The first full scale argument occurs, when Beni and Juanjo try to justify spending £150 of the weekly budget on haircare products, large collared shirts and ties. A compromise is made - £80 is spent on hair gel, as Ashley and Eoin realise that this is an essential item to them too. Andy is still living with the chickens. Peter is turning out to be the leader of the house, until he slipped whilst cleaning the pool, damaging his cruciate ligament and confining himself to the sofa for the next 6 weeks.


Weekly task successfully completed. The housemates had to do an obstacle course. Jamie seemed very good at climbing, getting through small gaps and climbing walls. 'Its something I picked up before I played football' he said. This week Beni and Gunnar are up for eviction. Beni is not too popular as his foodchoices from the budget took up over 85% of the total fund. Gunnar is up because he misses his kids and everyone feels sorry for him. People have forgotten Andy is actually part of the house.


Beni is evicted by the public. He had a bit of trouble fitting all his clothes in the suitcase and had to leave a few shirts behind. Jamie says not to worry, as he's sure he'll be able to shift them down the pub for him when he gets out.

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